
Shape Memory Alloy Data

Contant Temperature

Constant temp data
25 degree data 35 degree data 45 degree data 55 degree data
65 degree data 70 degree data 75 degree data 80 degree data

Stress-strain data at various temperatures (scroll over thumbnails to enlarge).

Download: MATLAB .matCSV

Dr. Greg Buckner's team at NCSU collected the constant-temperature stress-strain data. The strain-controlled experiments were conducted using a 0.005" Nitinol wire from Dynalloy, Inc. The files include stress, strain, and resistance measurements at various constant temperatures (see figures to the right).

Please reference:
John H. Crews, Ralph C. Smith, Kyle M. Pender, Jennifer C. Hannen, and Gregory D. Buckner, "Data-driven techniques to estimate parameters in the homogenized energy model for shape memory alloys," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Submitted for review.

The .mat file contains tXX, resXX, stressXX, and strainXX where XX refers to the temperature in Celsius, tXX is the time in seconds, resXX is the resistance in Ohms, stressXX is the stress in Pa, and strainXX is the strain.
The .txt file contains 5 columns with all of the data concatenated. The columns correspond to time, stress, strain, resistance, temperature.

Creep Data

Creep data
25 degree data 35 degree data

Creep data (scroll over thumbnails to enlarge).

Download: MATLAB .matCSV

Dr. Greg Buckner's team at NCSU collected the creep data. The strain-controlled experiments were conducted using a 0.005" Nitinol wire from Dynalloy, Inc. at 80 Celcius. The files include stress and strain measurements for creep data around two different strains (see figures to the right).

Please reference:
John H. Crews, Ralph C. Smith, Kyle M. Pender, Jennifer C. Hannen, and Gregory D. Buckner, "Data-driven techniques to estimate parameters in the homogenized energy model for shape memory alloys," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Submitted for review.

The .mat file contains the time [s], stress [Pa], and strain for creep data at two different strains.
The .txt file contains 3 columns with all of the data concatenated. The columns correspond to time, stress, and strain.

Minor Loops

Constant temp data
25 degree data 35 degree data 45 degree data 55 degree data

Minor loop data (scroll over thumbnails to enlarge).

Download: MATLAB .matCSV

Dr. Greg Buckner's team at NCSU collected the stress-strain minor loop data. The strain-controlled experiments were conducted using a 0.005" Nitinol wire from Dynalloy, Inc. The files include stress and strain measurements corresponding to different minor loops (see figures to the right).

Please reference:
John H. Crews, Ralph C. Smith, Kyle M. Pender, Jennifer C. Hannen, and Gregory D. Buckner, "Data-driven techniques to estimate parameters in the homogenized energy model for shape memory alloys," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Submitted for review.

The .mat file contains t_LX (time [s]), stress_LX (stress [Pa]), and strain_LX (strain) where X refers to a specific minor loop.
The .txt file contains 3 columns with all of the data concatenated. The columns correspond to time, stress, and strain.

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