% spring_mcmc_C.m % % % This code illustrates the implementation of the Metropolis algorithm % in Example 8.7, Case i. % clear all close all % % Input true stiffness and damping parameters and error variance % K = 20.5; C = 1.5; C_old = C; C0 = C; sigma = .1; var = sigma^2; N = 10000; factor = sqrt(K - C^2/4); denom = sqrt(4*K - C^2); % % Construct solution on [0,5], the analytic sensitivity relations, and % the observations, which include the error. % t = 0:.01:5; n = length(t); y = 2*exp(-C*t/2).*cos(factor*t); y0 = y; dydc = exp(-C*t/2).*((C*t/denom).*sin(factor*t) - t.*cos(factor*t)); error = sigma*randn(size(t)); obs = y + error; % % Construct the sensitivity matrix chi and covariance matrix V. % chi = [dydc']; V = inv(chi'*chi)*var; R = chol(V); SS_old = (obs-y)*(obs-y)'; % % Construct a Metropolis chain of lenth N % for i = 1:N z = randn(1); C_new = C_old + R'*z; factor = sqrt(K - C_new^2/4); y_new = 2*exp(-C_new*t/2).*cos(factor*t); u_alpha = rand(1); SS_new = (obs-y_new)*(obs-y_new)'; term = exp(-.5*(SS_new-SS_old)/var); alpha = min(1,term); if u_alpha < alpha Cvals(i) = C_new; C_old = C_new; SS_old = SS_new; else Cvals(i) = C_old; end end % % Use kde to construct the density for C from the Metropolis chain % range_C = max(Cvals) - min(Cvals); C_min = min(Cvals)-range_C/10; C_max = max(Cvals)+range_C/10; [bandwidth_C,density_C,Cmesh,cdf_C]=kde(Cvals); % % Construct the posterior density directly by approximating Bayes' rule using a % a midpoint quadrature rule. % h = .001; Nq = .2/h; for i = 1:Nq C = 1.4 + (i-1)*h; factor = sqrt(K - C^2/4); y = 2*exp(-C*t/2).*cos(factor*t); SS = (obs-y)*(obs-y)'; for j = 1:Nq Cq = 1.4 + (j-1)*h; factor = sqrt(K - Cq^2/4); yq = 2*exp(-Cq*t/2).*cos(factor*t); SSq = (obs-yq)*(obs-yq)'; quadpt(j) = exp(-.5*(SSq-SS)/var); end posterior(i) = 1/(h*sum(quadpt)); C_post_axis(i) = C; end % % Construct the asymptotic normal sampling distribution. % mean = h*sum(C_post_axis.*posterior); sample_dist = normpdf(C_post_axis,C0,sqrt(V)); % % Plot results. % figure(1) plot(t,y0,t,0*y0,'k','linewidth',2) hold on plot(t,obs,'x','linewidth',1) hold off set(gca,'Fontsize',[20]); xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Displacement') figure(2) plot(t,error,'x',t,0*y,'k','linewidth',2) hold on plot(t,2*sigma*ones(size(t)),'--r',t,-2*sigma*ones(size(t)),'--r','linewidth',2) hold off set(gca,'Fontsize',[20]); xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Residuals') figure(3) plot(Cvals,'-','linewidth',1) set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); axis([0 N 1.43 1.57]) xlabel('Chain Iteration') ylabel('Damping Parameter C') figure(4) hold on plot(C_post_axis,posterior,'b-','linewidth',3) plot(Cmesh,density_C,'g-.','linewidth',3) plot(C_post_axis,sample_dist,'r--','linewidth',3) hold off axis([1.4 1.6 0 25]) set(gca,'Fontsize',[20]); legend('Bayes','MCMC','OLS','Location','Northeast') xlabel('Damping Parameter C')