This code illustrates the implementation of the DRAM algorithm used used to construct the chains and marginal densities in Figures 8.11 and 8.12 for the heat Example 8.12.
Required functions: kde.m heatss.m
Required package: The DRAM package is available at the websites
Required data: final_al_data.txt
clear all load final_al_data.txt udata = final_al_data(2:16); xdata = [10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66]; u_amb = final_al_data(17);
Input dimensions and material constants
a = 0.95; % cm b = 0.95; % cm L = 70.0; % cm k = 2.37; % W/cm C h = 0.00191; Q = -18.41; n = 15; p = 2;
Construct constants and solution
gamma = sqrt(2*(a+b)*h/(a*b*k)); gamma_h = (1/(2*h))*gamma; f1 = exp(gamma*L)*(h + k*gamma); f2 = exp(-gamma*L)*(h - k*gamma); f3 = f1/(f2 + f1); f1_h = exp(gamma*L)*(gamma_h*L*(h+k*gamma) + 1 + k*gamma_h); f2_h = exp(-gamma*L)*(-gamma_h*L*(h-k*gamma) + 1 - k*gamma_h); c1 = -Q*f3/(k*gamma); c2 = Q/(k*gamma) + c1; f4 = Q/(k*gamma*gamma); den2 = (f1+f2)^2; f3_h = (f1_h*(f1+f2) - f1*(f1_h+f2_h))/den2; c1_h = f4*gamma_h*f3 - (Q/(k*gamma))*f3_h; c2_h = -f4*gamma_h + c1_h; c1_Q = -(1/(k*gamma))*f3; c2_Q = (1/(k*gamma)) + c1_Q; uvals_data = c1*exp(-gamma*xdata) + c2*exp(gamma*xdata) + u_amb; uvals_Q_data = c1_Q*exp(-gamma*xdata) + c2_Q*exp(gamma*xdata); uvals_h_data = c1_h*exp(-gamma*xdata) + c2_h*exp(gamma*xdata) + gamma_h*xdata.*(-c1*exp(-gamma*xdata) + c2*exp(gamma*xdata)); res = udata - uvals_data; sens_mat = [uvals_Q_data; uvals_h_data]; sigma2 = (1/(n-p))*res*res'; V = sigma2*inv(sens_mat*sens_mat');
Construct the xdata, udata and covariance matrix V employed in DRAM. Set the options employed in DRAM.
clear data model options data.xdata = xdata'; data.ydata = udata'; tcov = V; tmin = [Q; h]; params = { {'q1',tmin(1), -20} {'q2',tmin(2), 0}}; model.ssfun = @heatss; model.sigma2 = sigma2; options.qcov = tcov; options.nsimu = 10000; options.updatesigma = 1; N = 10000;
Run DRAM to construct the chains (stored in chain) and measurement variance (stored in s2chain).
[results,chain,s2chain] = mcmcrun(model,data,params,options);
Sampling these parameters: name start [min,max] N(mu,s^2) q1: -18.41 [-20,Inf] N(0,Inf) q2: 0.00191 [0,Inf] N(0,Inf)
Construct the densities for Q and h.
Qvals = chain(:,1); hvals = chain(:,2); range_Q = max(Qvals) - min(Qvals); range_h = max(hvals) - min(hvals); Q_min = min(Qvals)-range_Q/10; Q_max = max(Qvals)+range_Q/10; h_min = min(hvals)-range_h/10; h_max = max(hvals)+range_h/10; [bandwidth_Q,density_Q,Qmesh,cdf_Q]=kde(Qvals); [bandwidth_h,density_h,hmesh,cdf_h]=kde(hvals);
Plot the results.
figure(1); clf mcmcplot(chain,[],results,'chainpanel'); figure(2); clf mcmcplot(chain,[],results,'pairs'); cov(chain) chainstats(chain,results) figure(3); clf plot(Qvals,'-') set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); axis([0 N -19.3 -17.5]) xlabel('Chain Iteration') ylabel('Parameter Q') figure(4); clf plot(hvals,'-') set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); axis([0 N 1.84e-3 2e-3]) xlabel('Chain Iteration') ylabel('Parameter h') figure(5); clf plot(Qmesh,density_Q,'k-','linewidth',3) axis([-19.5 -17.5 0 3]) set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); xlabel('Parameter Q') figure(6); clf plot(hmesh,density_h,'k-','linewidth',3) axis([1.8e-3 2e-3 0 3e4]) set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); xlabel('Parameter h') figure(7); clf scatter(Qvals,hvals) box on axis([-19.2 -17.6 1.83e-3 2e-3]) set(gca,'Fontsize',[23]); xlabel('Parameter Q') ylabel('Parameter h')
ans = 0.0234 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 MCMC statistics, nsimu = 10000 mean std MC_err tau geweke --------------------------------------------------------------------- q1 -18.418 0.15309 0.0042029 6.8684 0.99951 q2 0.0019145 1.5411e-05 4.3536e-07 7.3655 0.9998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------