function [bandwidth,density,xmesh,cdf]=kde(data,n,MIN,MAX) % Reliable and extremely fast kernel density estimator for one-dimensional data; % Gaussian kernel is assumed and the bandwidth is chosen automatically; % Unlike many other implementations, this one is immune to problems % caused by multimodal densities with widely separated modes (see example). The % estimation does not deteriorate for multimodal densities, because we never assume % a parametric model for the data. % INPUTS: % data - a vector of data from which the density estimate is constructed; % n - the number of mesh points used in the uniform discretization of the % interval [MIN, MAX]; n has to be a power of two; if n is not a power of two, then % n is rounded up to the next power of two, i.e., n is set to n=2^ceil(log2(n)); % the default value of n is n=2^12; % MIN, MAX - defines the interval [MIN,MAX] on which the density estimate is constructed; % the default values of MIN and MAX are: % MIN=min(data)-Range/10 and MAX=max(data)+Range/10, where Range=max(data)-min(data); % OUTPUTS: % bandwidth - the optimal bandwidth (Gaussian kernel assumed); % density - column vector of length 'n' with the values of the density % estimate at the grid points; % xmesh - the grid over which the density estimate is computed; % - If no output is requested, then the code automatically plots a graph of % the density estimate. % cdf - column vector of length 'n' with the values of the cdf % Reference: % Kernel density estimation via diffusion % Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese (2010) % Annals of Statistics, Volume 38, Number 5, pages 2916-2957. % % Example: % data=[randn(100,1);randn(100,1)*2+35 ;randn(100,1)+55]; % kde(data,2^14,min(data)-5,max(data)+5); % Notes: If you have a more reliable and accurate one-dimensional kernel density % estimation software, please email me at data=data(:); %make data a column vector if nargin<2 % if n is not supplied switch to the default n=2^14; end n=2^ceil(log2(n)); % round up n to the next power of 2; if nargin<4 %define the default interval [MIN,MAX] minimum=min(data); maximum=max(data); Range=maximum-minimum; MIN=minimum-Range/10; MAX=maximum+Range/10; end % set up the grid over which the density estimate is computed; R=MAX-MIN; dx=R/(n-1); xmesh=MIN+[0:dx:R]; N=length(unique(data)); %bin the data uniformly using the grid defined above; initial_data=histc(data,xmesh)/N; initial_data=initial_data/sum(initial_data); a=dct1d(initial_data); % discrete cosine transform of initial data % now compute the optimal bandwidth^2 using the referenced method I=[1:n-1]'.^2; a2=(a(2:end)/2).^2; % use fzero to solve the equation t=zeta*gamma^[5](t) try t_star=fzero(@(t)fixed_point(t,N,I,a2),[0,.1]); catch t_star=.28*N^(-2/5); end % smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial data using t_star a_t=a.*exp(-[0:n-1]'.^2*pi^2*t_star/2); % now apply the inverse discrete cosine transform if (nargout>1)|(nargout==0) density=idct1d(a_t)/R; end % take the rescaling of the data into account bandwidth=sqrt(t_star)*R; if nargout==0 figure(1), plot(xmesh,density) end % for cdf estimation if nargout>3 f=2*pi^2*sum(I.*a2.*exp(-I*pi^2*t_star)); t_cdf=(sqrt(pi)*f*N)^(-2/3); % now get values of cdf on grid points using IDCT and cumsum function a_cdf=a.*exp(-[0:n-1]'.^2*pi^2*t_cdf/2); cdf=cumsum(idct1d(a_cdf))*(dx/R); % take the rescaling into account if the bandwidth value is required bandwidth_cdf=sqrt(t_cdf)*R; end end %################################################################ function out=fixed_point(t,N,I,a2) % this implements the function t-zeta*gamma^[l](t) l=7; f=2*pi^(2*l)*sum(I.^l.*a2.*exp(-I*pi^2*t)); for s=l-1:-1:2 K0=prod([1:2:2*s-1])/sqrt(2*pi); const=(1+(1/2)^(s+1/2))/3; time=(2*const*K0/N/f)^(2/(3+2*s)); f=2*pi^(2*s)*sum(I.^s.*a2.*exp(-I*pi^2*time)); end out=t-(2*N*sqrt(pi)*f)^(-2/5); end %############################################################## function out = idct1d(data) % computes the inverse discrete cosine transform [nrows,ncols]=size(data); % Compute weights weights = nrows*exp(i*(0:nrows-1)*pi/(2*nrows)).'; % Compute x tilde using equation (5.93) in Jain data = real(ifft(weights.*data)); % Re-order elements of each column according to equations (5.93) and % (5.94) in Jain out = zeros(nrows,1); out(1:2:nrows) = data(1:nrows/2); out(2:2:nrows) = data(nrows:-1:nrows/2+1); % Reference: % A. K. Jain, "Fundamentals of Digital Image % Processing", pp. 150-153. end %############################################################## function data=dct1d(data) % computes the discrete cosine transform of the column vector data [nrows,ncols]= size(data); % Compute weights to multiply DFT coefficients weight = [1;2*(exp(-i*(1:nrows-1)*pi/(2*nrows))).']; % Re-order the elements of the columns of x data = [ data(1:2:end,:); data(end:-2:2,:) ]; % Multiply FFT by weights: data= real(weight.* fft(data)); end