% % height_example.m % % Note: Code requires kde.m and histnorm.m, which can be downloaded fro MATLAB Central. clear all close all % % Input number of students n, true mean mu and standard deviation sigma, and compute heights % from normal distribution N(mu,sigma^2). % n = input('n = '); mu = 67; % 5'7'' sigma = 2.5; % 2 sigma = 5" heights = mu*ones(1,n) + sigma*randn(1,n); students = 1:1:n; % % Plot the heights and 2 sigma intervals. % figure(1) hold on plot(students,heights,'bx','linewidth',3); plot(students,mu*ones(1,n),'k-',students,(mu+2*sigma)*ones(1,n),'r--',students,(mu-2*sigma)*ones(1,n),'r--','linewidth',3); hold off axis([0 n 60 74]) set(gca,'Fontsize',[20]); legend('Height','2\sigma Intervals','Location','Northeast') xlabel('Student') ylabel('Height') % % Plot histogram and kernel density estimate (kde) for x_i and compare to the original normal distribution % N(mu,sigma^2). % dx = (mu+3*sigma - mu+3*sigma)/1000; x = mu-(3*sigma):dx:mu+(3*sigma); % Construct grid with +- 3 sigma pdf = normpdf(x,mu,sigma); % Compute N(mu,sigma^2) on grid x [bandwidth_heights,density_heights,heights_mesh,cdf_heights]=kde(heights); nbins = 15; figure(2) h = histnorm(heights,nbins,'plot'); % Compute and plot the histogram with nbins hold on plot(x,pdf,'linewidth',3) plot(heights_mesh,density_heights,'r--','linewidth',3) hold off set(gca,'Fontsize',[20]); legend('Histogram','N(\mu,\sigma^2)','KDE','Location','Northeast') % % Compute the sample mean and standard deviation estimates and plot the sampling distribution for xbar. % xbar = (1/n)*sum(heights) S2 = (1/(n-1))*sum((heights - xbar).^2); S = sqrt(S2) dx = (mu+(3*sigma/sqrt(n)) - mu+(3*sigma/sqrt(n)))/1000; x = mu-(3*sigma/sqrt(n)):dx:mu+(3*sigma/sqrt(n)); % Construct grid with +- 3 sigma/sqrt(n) pdf = normpdf(x,mu,sigma/sqrt(n)); figure(3) plot(x,pdf,'linewidth',3); % % Compute 95% confidence limits and compare with 2*sigma/sqrt(n). % alpha = 0.05; % Online T-value calculator: tcrit2 = 2.01669219 when n = 44; tcrit2 = tinv(1-alpha/2,n-1) % MATLAB t-inverse cummulative function value= tcrit2*S/sqrt(n) 2*sigma/sqrt(n) % % %