function polymodel = polyfitn(indepvar,depvar,modelterms) % polyfitn: fits a general polynomial regression model in n dimensions % usage: polymodel = polyfitn(indepvar,depvar,modelterms) % % Polyfitn fits a polynomial regression model of one or more % independent variables, of the general form: % % z = f(x,y,...) + error % % arguments: (input) % indepvar - (n x p) array of independent variables as columns % n is the number of data points % p is the dimension of the independent variable space % % IF n == 1, then I will assume there is only a % single independent variable. % % depvar - (n x 1 or 1 x n) vector - dependent variable % length(depvar) must be n. % % Only 1 dependent variable is allowed, since I also % return statistics on the model. % % modelterms - defines the terms used in the model itself % % IF modelterms is a scalar integer, then it designates % the overall order of the model. All possible terms % up to that order will be employed. Thus, if order % is 2 and p == 2 (i.e., there are two variables) then % the terms selected will be: % % {constant, x, x^2, y, x*y, y^2} % % Beware the consequences of high order polynomial % models. % % IF modelterms is a (k x p) numeric array, then each % row of this array designates the exponents of one % term in the model. Thus to designate a model with % the above list of terms, we would define modelterms as % % modelterms = [0 0;1 0;2 0;0 1;1 1;0 2] % % If modelterms is a character string, then it will be % parsed as a list of terms in the regression model. % The terms will be assume to be separated by a comma % or by blanks. The variable names used must be legal % matlab variable names. Exponents in the model may % may be any real number, positive or negative. % % For example, 'constant, x, y, x*y, x^2, x*y*y' % will be parsed as a model specification as if you % had supplied: % modelterms = [0 0;1 0;0 1;1 1;2 0;1 2] % % The word 'constant' is a keyword, and will denote a % constant terms in the model. Variable names will be % sorted in alphabetical order as defined by sort. % This order will assign them to columns of the % independent array. Note that 'xy' will be parsed as % a single variable name, not as the product of x and y. % % If modelterms is a cell array, then it will be taken % to be a list of character terms. Similarly, % % {'constant', 'x', 'y', 'x*y', 'x^2', 'x*y^-1'} % % will be parsed as a model specification as if you % had supplied: % % modelterms = [0 0;1 0;0 1;1 1;2 0;1 -1] % % Arguments: (output) % polymodel - A structure containing the regression model % polymodel.ModelTerms = list of terms in the model % polymodel.Coefficients = regression coefficients % polymodel.ParameterVar = variances of model coefficients % polymodel.ParameterStd = standard deviation of model coefficients % polymodel.R2 = R^2 for the regression model % polymodel.AdjustedR2 = Adjusted R^2 for the regression model % polymodel.RMSE = Root mean squared error % polymodel.VarNames = Cell array of variable names % as parsed from a char based model specification. % % Note 1: Because the terms in a general polynomial % model can be arbitrarily chosen by the user, I must % package the erms and coefficients together into a % structure. This also forces use of a special evaluation % tool: polyvaln. % % Note 2: A polymodel can be evaluated for any set % of values with the function polyvaln. However, if % you wish to manipulate the result symbolically using % my own sympoly tools, this structure can be converted % to a sympoly using the function polyn2sympoly. There % is also a polyn2sym tool, for those who prefer the % symbolic TB. % % Note 3: When no constant term is included in the model, % the traditional R^2 can be negative. This case is % identified, and then a more appropriate computation % for R^2 is then used. % % Note 4: Adjusted R^2 accounts for changing degrees of % freedom in the model. It CAN be negative, and will always % be less than the traditional R^2 values. % % Find my sympoly toolbox here: % % % See also: polyvaln, polyfit, polyval, polyn2sympoly, sympoly % % Author: John D'Errico % Release: 2.0 % Release date: 2/19/06 if nargin<1 help polyfitn return end % get sizes, test for consistency [n,p] = size(indepvar); if n == 1 indepvar = indepvar'; [n,p] = size(indepvar); end [m,q] = size(depvar); if m == 1 depvar = depvar'; [m,q] = size(depvar); end % only 1 dependent variable allowed at a time if q~=1 error 'Only 1 dependent variable allowed at a time.' end if n~=m error 'indepvar and depvar are of inconsistent sizes.' end % check for and remove nans in data nandata = isnan(depvar) | any(isnan(indepvar),2); if any(nandata) depvar(nandata,:) = []; indepvar(nandata,:) = []; n = size(indepvar,1); end % Automatically scale the independent variables to unit variance stdind = sqrt(diag(cov(indepvar))); if any(stdind==0) warning 'Constant terms in the model must be entered using modelterms' stdind(stdind==0) = 1; end % scaled variables indepvar_s = indepvar*diag(1./stdind); % do we need to parse a supplied model? if iscell(modelterms) || ischar(modelterms) [modelterms,varlist] = parsemodel(modelterms,p); if size(modelterms,2) < p modelterms = [modelterms, zeros(size(modelterms,1),p - size(modelterms,2))]; end elseif length(modelterms) == 1 % do we need to generate a set of modelterms? [modelterms,varlist] = buildcompletemodel(modelterms,p); elseif size(modelterms,2) ~= p error 'ModelTerms must be a scalar or have the same # of columns as indepvar' else varlist = repmat({''},1,p); end nt = size(modelterms,1); % check for replicate terms if nt>1 mtu = unique(modelterms,'rows'); if size(mtu,1) nt Rinv = R\eye(nt); Var(E) = s^2*sum(Rinv.^2,2)/(n-nt); polymodel.ParameterVar = Var.*(scalefact.^2); polymodel.ParameterStd = sqrt(polymodel.ParameterVar); else % we cannot form variance or standard error estimates % unless there are at least as many data points as % parameters to estimate. polymodel.ParameterVar = inf(1,nt); polymodel.ParameterStd = inf(1,nt); end % degrees of freedom polymodel.DoF = n - nt; % coefficient/sd ratio for a p-value t = polymodel.Coefficients./polymodel.ParameterStd; % twice the upper tail probability from the t distribution, % as a transformation from an incomplete beta. This provides % a two-sided test for the corresponding coefficient. % I could have used tcdf, if I wanted to presume the % stats toolbox was present. Of course, then regstats is % an option. In that case, the comparable result would be % found in: STATS.tstat.pval polymodel.p = betainc(polymodel.DoF./(t.^2 + polymodel.DoF),polymodel.DoF/2,1/2); % R^2 % is there a constant term in the model? If not, then % we cannot use the standard R^2 computation, as it % frequently yields negative values for R^2. if any((M(1,:) ~= 0) & all(diff(M,1,1) == 0,1)) % we have a constant term in the model, so the % traditional R^2 form is acceptable. polymodel.R2 = max(0,1 - (s/norm(depvar-mean(depvar)) )^2); % compute adjusted R^2, taking into account the number of % degrees of freedom polymodel.AdjustedR2 = 1 - (1 - polymodel.R2).*((n - 1)./(n - nt)); else % no constant term was found in the model polymodel.R2 = max(0,1 - (s/norm(depvar))^2); % compute adjusted R^2, taking into account the number of % degrees of freedom polymodel.AdjustedR2 = 1 - (1 - polymodel.R2).*(n./(n - nt)); end % RMSE polymodel.RMSE = sqrt(mean((depvar - yhat).^2)); % if a character 'model' was supplied, return the list % of variables as parsed out polymodel.VarNames = varlist; % ================================================== % =============== begin subfunctions =============== % ================================================== function [modelterms,varlist] = buildcompletemodel(order,p) % % arguments: (input) % order - scalar integer, defines the total (maximum) order % % p - scalar integer - defines the dimension of the % independent variable space % % arguments: (output) % modelterms - exponent array for the model % % varlist - cell array of character variable names % build the exponent array recursively if p == 0 % terminal case modelterms = []; elseif (order == 0) % terminal case modelterms = zeros(1,p); elseif (p==1) % terminal case modelterms = (order:-1:0)'; else % general recursive case modelterms = zeros(0,p); for k = order:-1:0 t = buildcompletemodel(order-k,p-1); nt = size(t,1); modelterms = [modelterms;[repmat(k,nt,1),t]]; end end % create a list of variable names for the variables on the fly varlist = cell(1,p); for i = 1:p varlist{i} = ['X',num2str(i)]; end % ================================================== function [modelterms,varlist] = parsemodel(model,p); % % arguments: (input) % model - character string or cell array of strings % % p - number of independent variables in the model % % arguments: (output) % modelterms - exponent array for the model modelterms = zeros(0,p); if ischar(model) model = deblank(model); end varlist = {}; while ~isempty(model) if iscellstr(model) term = model{1}; model(1) = []; else [term,model] = strtok(model,' ,'); end % We've stripped off a model term. Now parse it. % Is it the reserved keyword 'constant'? if strcmpi(term,'constant') modelterms(end+1,:) = 0; else % pick this term apart expon = zeros(1,p); while ~isempty(term) vn = strtok(term,'*/^. ,'); k = find(strncmp(vn,varlist,length(vn))); if isempty(k) % its a variable name we have not yet seen % is it a legal name? nv = length(varlist); if ismember(vn(1),'1234567890_') error(['Variable is not a valid name: ''',vn,'''']) elseif nv>=p error 'More variables in the model than columns of indepvar' end varlist{nv+1} = vn; k = nv+1; end % variable must now be in the list of vars. % drop that variable from term i = strfind(term,vn); term = term((i+length(vn)):end); % is there an exponent? eflag = false; if strncmp('^',term,1) term(1) = []; eflag = true; elseif strncmp('.^',term,2) term(1:2) = []; eflag = true; end % If there was one, get it ev = 1; if eflag ev = sscanf(term,'%f'); if isempty(ev) error 'Problem with an exponent in parsing the model' end end expon(k) = expon(k) + ev; % next monomial subterm? k1 = strfind(term,'*'); if isempty(k1) term = ''; else term(k1(1)) = ' '; end end modelterms(end+1,:) = expon; end end % Once we have compiled the list of variables and % exponents, we need to sort them in alphabetical order [varlist,tags] = sort(varlist); modelterms = modelterms(:,tags);