function h=mcmcpredplot(out,data,adddata) %MCMCPREDPLOT - predictive plot for mcmc results % Creates predictive figures for each batch in the data set using % mcmc chain. Needs input from the function mcmcpred. % Example: % out=mcmcpred(results,chain,s2chain,data,modelfun); % mcmcpredplot(out) % % If s2chain has been given to mcmcpred, then the plot shows 95% % probability limits for new observations and for model parameter % uncertainty. If s2chain is not used then the plot contains 50%, % 90%, 95%, and 99% predictive probability limits due parameter uncertainty. % $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2007/08/22 16:10:58 $ if nargin < 2 data =; end if nargin < 3 adddata = 0; % add data.ydata datapoints to the figures end nbatch = length(out.predlims); if ~iscell(data) d=data; data=[]; data{1}=d; clear d end np = size(out.predlims{1}{1},1); nn = (np+1)/2; % median np = nn-1; hh = zeros(nbatch,1); for i=1:nbatch if nbatch > 1; hh(i) = figure;else hh(1)=gcf; end; % create new figures plimi = out.predlims{i}; ny = size(plimi,2); datai = data{i}; if isnumeric(datai) time = datai(:,1); % time is the first columd of data elseif isfield(datai,'ydata') time = datai.ydata(:,1); % first column of ydata elseif isfield(datai,'xdata') time = datai.xdata(:,1); % first column of xdata else error('dont know the x axis of the plots') end for j=1:ny dimc = [0.9 0.9 0.9]; % dimmest (lightest) color dimc = [0.75 0.75 0.75]; %subplot(ny,1,j) figure set(gca,'Fontsize',[22]); if ~isempty(out.obslims) line1 = out.obslims{i}{j}(1,:); line2 = out.obslims{i}{j}(3,:); %fillyy(time,out.obslims{i}{j}(1,:),out.obslims{i}{j}(3,:),dimc); fillyy(time,line1,line2,dimc); hold on %dimc = [0.8,0.8,0.8]; dimc = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]; end fillyy(time,plimi{j}(1,:),plimi{j}(2*nn-1,:),dimc); hold on for k=2:(nn-1) fillyy(time,plimi{j}(k,:),plimi{j}(2*nn-k,:),dimc.*0.9.^(k-1)); end plot(time,plimi{j}(nn,:),'-k','linewidth',2); if adddata plot(datai.ydata(:,1), datai.ydata(:,j+1),'sk'); xlabel('Time (s)') end hold off if nbatch > 1 % title(sprintf('Data set %d, y[%d]',i,j)); elseif ny > 1 % title(sprintf('y[%d]',j)); end end end if nargout > 0 h=hh; end