function sp = polyn2sympoly(polyn) % polyn2sympoly: convert a regression polynomial from polyfitn into a sympoly % usage: sp = polyn2sympoly(polyn) % % arguments: (input) % polyn - a structure as returned from polyfitn % % arguments: (output) % sp - A sympoly object % % After conversion into a sympoly, any symbolic operations are % now possible on this form. % % Requirement: The sympoly toolbox, as found on Matlab Central. % % % See also: polyvaln, polyfit, polyval, sympoly % % Author: John D'Errico % Release: 1.0 % Release date: 2/19/06 if exist('sympoly','file')~=2 error 'Please download the sympoly toolbox from Matlab Central' end % Copy over the fields of polyn into sp sp.Var = polyn.VarNames; sp.Exponent = polyn.ModelTerms; sp.Coefficient = polyn.Coefficients(:); % Was the list of variable names empty? % If so, then generate a list of names of my own. if isempty(sp.Var) p = size(polyn.ModelTerms,2); varlist={}; for i = 1:p varlist{i} = ['X',num2str(i)]; end sp.Var = varlist; end % turn the struct into a sympoly sp = sympoly(sp);