function pout = polydern(p,diffvar) % polydern: partial derivatives of a n-dimensional polynomial model created by polyfitn. % usage: pout = polydern(p,diffvar) % % arguments: (input) % p - a structure containing a polynomial regression model. See polyfitn % for details. % % diffvar - integer, which variable to compute the derivative with respect % to. If diffvar is a character string, then it refers to an explicit % variable in the model that is found in the VarNames field. If so, % the variable name must be an exact match for one of the variables % listed in p.VarNames. % % arguments: (output) % pout - a structure containing a polynomial regression model which % describes the partial derivative with respect to variable #i. % % Note: % Polydern modifies the "ModelTerms" and "Coefficients" fields in creating % the output polynomial. ParameterVar, parameterStd are also updated to % have the proper shape, as well as scaling them to reflect the derivative. % % The other fields (R2, RMSE, VarNames) are copied without change, even % though the error measures are no longer meaningful for the derivative % polynomial. % % This function uses polynomial structure variables created by polyfitn, % which is part of the PolyfitnTools package by John D'Errico: % % % See also: polyder, polyfitn, polyvaln % % Polydern author: Jason Goodman % Error checks, ParameterStd/Var updates and allowance for the variable % name itself instead of an index added by John D'Errico % check the number of input args if nargin ~= 2 error('POLYDERN:argumentcount','Exactly two arguments are required') end % is p a struct, created by polyfitn? if ~isstruct(p) || ~isfield(p,'ModelTerms') || ~isfield(p,'Coefficients') error('POLYDERN:invalidp','p must be a struct as created by polyfitn') end % check diffvar too. scalar, numeric, integer, real, in the proper range, % or it must be character, an exact match for one of the variables listed % in p.VarNames. if ischar(diffvar) ind = ismember(p.VarNames,diffvar); if sum(ind) == 1 % we have a hit diffvar = find(ind); else error('POLYDERN:invaliddiffvar','diffvar must be a scalar numeric real integer value, or a valid variable name') end elseif ~isnumeric(diffvar) || (numel(diffvar) ~= 1) || (round(diffvar) ~= diffvar) || ~isreal(diffvar) % diffvar must be scalar, numeric, etc. Also verify that it is real to % be complete error('POLYDERN:invaliddiffvar','diffvar must be a scalar numeric real integer value, or a valid variable name') elseif (diffvar < 1) || (diffvar > size(p.ModelTerms,2)) % test that diffvar is at least 1, and is not larger than the % number of variables in the nmodel error('POLYDERN:invaliddiffvar', ... ['diffvar (=',num2str(diffvar), ... ') cannot represent the variable index to be differentiated, as it is out of range for this model']) end pout = p; pout.ModelTerms = []; pout.Coefficients = []; remainingterms = true(1,size(p.ModelTerms,1)); jout = 1; for jin=1:length(p.Coefficients) if (p.ModelTerms(jin,diffvar) ~= 0) pout.Coefficients(jout) = p.Coefficients(jin).*p.ModelTerms(jin,diffvar); pout.ModelTerms(jout,:) = p.ModelTerms(jin,:); pout.ModelTerms(jout,diffvar) = pout.ModelTerms(jout,diffvar)-1; jout = jout + 1; else % this term got dropped from the model remainingterms(jin) = false; end end if (jout == 1) % Polynomial has no terms in this variable: deriv is zero [ncoeff, nvars] = size(p.ModelTerms); pout.ModelTerms(1,:) = zeros(1,nvars); pout.Coefficients = 0; pout.ParameterVar = 0; pout.ParameterStd = 0; else % at least some terms remain, so update the parameter variances and % standard deviations. First, drop those terms that died. pout.ParameterVar = reshape(p.ParameterVar(remainingterms),1,[]); pout.ParameterStd = reshape(p.ParameterStd(remainingterms),1,[]); % scale them appropriately. Thus if std(A) is sigma, then std(k*A) % is k*sigma, but multiply the corresponding variances by k.^2. scale = p.ModelTerms(remainingterms,diffvar).'; pout.ParameterStd = pout.ParameterStd.*scale; pout.ParameterVar = pout.ParameterVar.*scale.^2; end